Ed Randall
Comment, Business

What is ExoStack?

August 29, 2024
ExoState Groups

ExoStack is a software stack built for network states, but specifically for those using the ExoState model, which is fundamentally a land-last network union.

The software includes a wide range of the core facilities that are required by network unions. There are three main elements. The first is a community organising website with the capability to run events, sell products and tickets and advertise a group. The second element is a wiki system with a password protected element to allow for the release of information. This includes the ability to store files using a password protected upload facility. The third element is a BSD licensed chat system from Chatr-master which we have been able to modify relatively easily to fit better into our stack. This allows for chat to take place outside of Telegram. These are the main elements required to run build a network state in the ExoState model and this website is developed using ExoStack.

This software has not been produced by a company. It is designed to be a community project bringing together free software from a range of sources and projects and modifying them to work as a cohesive stack. It is a work in progress and not a polished system but has been released due to the lack of an easily usable software stack for network unions. There are systems for property owners but very little for network unions. It is hoped that by making our software available it my speed up development.

The ExoStack has been designed to be very easy to deploy as it does not use a database. It simply requires a server running PHP. Currently, however, the system is very new and although the software does not require high level technical skills to use there is little documentation so support is through ExoState's public groups. Most of the software is taken from existing BSD licenced projects and modified to a greater or lesser extent. We have sough to keep strictly to the licencing of these projects which are typically BSD.


ExoStack is designed to utilise 100% open source code using only the BSD licence if possible. We do not use the GPL license. Even the code required to run the software, which is Apache and PHP, are BSB licensed and these run on BSD Unix. ExoState is fully committed to minimally restrictive BSD licence. The only non BSD licenced code in ExoStack, to our knowledge, is the password protector which is one off separate piece of code and which we do not own.

How do I get ExoStack?

ExoStack is available as a zip file, with the exception of the website code which is taken directly from our website. The code is available to ExoState members. We hope to release this to non ExoState members when it is more polished and we have more greater clarity on the licences, but for the moment it is only distributed in a closed group. ExoState is free to join and designed to be open to all. To join ExoState you should join our Telegram group. This is held within the Network Nation, a related group, and the link is below.
ExoState Telegram Group

Building groups in the exostate is important. It us good to see someone getting to grips with this.
Running camps in the summer will be important if this is really going to take off
Pub meetups will also be important.
There is no easy route to success here, but it is vital that someone gets moving with this. Building in person groups is definitely the way forward.