Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding ExoState

Basics of ExoState

ExoState is a global community working together to create dynamic social change by harnessing the power of technology. Our common purpose is the development of a global community, the ExoState community, in the exostate.

ExoState manages a range of projects aimed at creaing a strong and independent community in the exostate There are a range of projects including our online shopping software, Aggregator, and our home school systems. We work together our software platform and other resources to provide mutual support for each others' businesses and projects.

The exostate is the private houses and undeveloped land of a country. It also includes user owned business premises which are used directly by their owners. It can also include temporarily co-opted, non chargeable, non exclusive public spaces. The endostate is government, corporate and religious land, essentially all land that is noeither privately owned residential or owner-used office premises.

Public Meetups

ExoState meetings are typically held in Central London. Meetings are generally held in public venues but may sometimes be in members' homes.

Becoming an ExoState member means that that an individual has access to member benefits. Membership currently provides the following benefits
* Access to a Telegram group where members can discuss specific issues related to ExoState. If members need to be suspended for any reason they will not be disconnected from the network when their membership is live and will be connected to an announcements group.
* Access to the CSS file for Aggregator which allows members to build high quality online shops.
* Access to the member's version of our written training course.
Membership is free of charge in the first year. There are no plans to charge for membership currently but we reserve the right to do so.

Membership of ExoState requires an indidual to request membership. This can be done through the Network Nation Meetup Group's Telegram group or through a request to a member who will pass this request on to the Telegram group admin/s.
Once that request is recieved and accepted the new member will be joined to the Telegram group for members.

ExoState exists to support the ownership and independent use of land by its members. We do not need an intentional community to function, however various options are being looked at. Primarily we work with existing land based projects.
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